Marc Desaedeleer Steps Down from Suzlon Energy Board over Governance Concerns
Suzlon Energy Limited has informed the stock exchange that Marc Desaedeleer, Independent Director, has resigned from the directorship with effect from June 8, 2024.
HDFC AMC Reappoints Navneet Munot as MD & CEO
The Board of Directors of HDFC Asset Management has approved the reappointment of Navneet Munot as Managing Director (MD) and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) for five years, with effect from July 1, 2024.
Rajesh Yaduvanshi Appointed Independent Director at KEI Industries
KEI Industries Limited announced on June 7, 2024, to the stock exchange the appointment of Rajesh Yaduvanshi as a Non-Executive, Independent Director for five years, with effect from March 11, 2024.
SEBI wins the “Best Conduct of Business Regulator” Award in the Asia-Pacific region
India's capital market regulator, the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), has been awarded the Asia-Pacific region's "Best Conduct of Business Regulator" title, according to The Asian Banker.
Gland Pharma Appoints Srinivas Sadu as CEO
Gland Pharma Limited appoints Srinivas Sadu as the Executive Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the company, and C.S.N. Murthy is appointed as the Independent Director of the company, both effective June 10, 2024.
Wockhardt’s President Amrut Medheker Resigned
Amrut Medhekar has resigned as President, India Business, SMP of Wockhardt Limited, with effect from June 7, 2024.
Essar Shipping’s Independent Director Raji Chandrasekhar Resigned
Raji Chandrasekhar resigned as an Independent Director of Essar Shipping Limited on May 27, 2024, due to her personal commitments.
Biden Administration’s Net Neutrality Reinstatement Sparks Legal Battle with Telecom Giants
U.S. telecom groups are challenging the Biden administration's move to reinstate net neutrality rules, set to take effect on July 22.
Walmart elects Chipotle CEO Brian Niccol to Board as Rob Walton Retires
Walmart held its annual shareholders meeting virtually, filling the vacant Board of Directors seat left by Rob Walton.
Goldman Appoints Ex-CFO David Viniar as Lead Independent Director
Goldman Sachs’ Board has decided that Adebayo Ogunlesi, the Lead Director and Chair of the Governance Committee, will not seek re-election at the 2024 Annual Meeting and will retire.