TCS Announces Board and Management Updates

Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) has announced the reappointment of Hanne Birgitte Breinbjerg Sorensen and Keki Minoo Mistry as Independent Directors and has also appointed Al-Noor Ramji as a new Independent Director.

Hanne Birgitte Breinbjerg Sorensen has been appointed as Non-Executive Independent Director for a second consecutive term of 5 years, from December 18, 2023, up to December 17, 2028. Breinbjerg was engaged in various roles with the A.P. Moller-Maersk A/S Group in Denmark during 1994–2016. A.P. Moller-Maersk is a conglomerate comprising eight main companies, primarily specialising in the energy and transportation segments. She is presently on the boards and board committees of various international companies. She is a member of the Audit Committee and the Nomination and Remuneration Committee of TCS. She holds an MSc in Economics and Management from the University of Aarhus.

The TCS Board has also approved the reappointment of Keki Minoo Mistry as Non-Executive Independent Director, for a second consecutive term of 5 years, from December 18, 2023, up to December 17, 2028. Mistry, aged 68, is a fellow member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI). He has over four decades of experience in the banking and financial services domains. He is currently a member of the Primary Markets Advisory Committee set up by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI). He is the Chairman of the sub-group constituted by SEBI to ‘review the reverse book building process and the compulsory delisting framework adopted by stock exchanges’. He was also the chairman of the sub-group formed by SEBI to ‘Review the SEBI Buyback Regulations’. He was a member of the Committee on Corporate Governance set up by SEBI in 2017. He was the Chairman of the CII National Council of Corporate Governance for five years (2016–2022). He was also a member of the CII Economic Affairs Council for 2021–22. He is also the Non-Executive Director of HDFC Bank Limited and Non -Executive Chairman of HDFC ERGO General Insurance Company Limited.

Al-Noor Ramji is appointed as an additional, Non-Executive Independent Director for a term of 5 years, with effect from October 12, 2023. Ramji is a veteran Chief Information Officer, Board Advisor and entrepreneur with more than 30 years of experience driving digital strategy and transformation for global enterprises. His most recent executive position was as Group Chief Digital Officer at Prudential plc. Prior to that, he held CEO and senior technology leadership roles at organisations like Misys PLC, Calypso Technologies, BT Group, Qwest Communications, Dresdner Kleinwort Benson, and Swiss Bank Corporation. He is also the founder or co-founder of successful start-ups in the UK, USA, Kenya, and India. He holds a BSc in Electronics from the University of London, is a Chartered Financial Analyst, and has been the recipient of several prestigious awards, including the CIO 100 Award, CIO Insight IT Leader of the Year 2009, and the British Computer Society CIO of the Year.

Further, TCS has informed the exchanges that Daniel Hughes Callahan (Don Callahan), Independent Director of the Company, whose term of office expires on January 9, 2024, has decided not to seek reappointment for a second term.

In another key development, TCS has designated S. Sukanya as a senior management personnel (SMP). Sukanya is the Senior Vice President and Chief Information Officer of TCS. She has been with TCS for over 33 years. She has donned several key leadership profiles, including those of Business Head for Travel, Transportation & Hospitality Unit, Global Head of Delivery Excellence, and Delivery Head for some of the leading customers.


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