SEBI Invites Public Comments of ICDR and LODR Regulations by July 17
SEBI has made public a consultation paper on recommendations of the Expert Committee for facilitating ease of doing business and harmonization of the provisions of ICDR and LODR Regulations.
The aim of this consultation paper is to gather comments, views, and suggestions from the public and other stakeholders regarding the recommendations of the Expert Committee. These recommendations pertain to facilitating ease of doing business under the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) (“LODR”) Regulations, 2015, and SEBI (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements) (“ICDR”) Regulations, 2018, as well as the harmonization of the provisions of the ICDR and LODR Regulations.
These steps are taken to follow up on the announcements made in the Union Budget for FY2023-24.
Click here to read the detailed report of the expert committee
Some of the key points discussed in the report pertain to the appointment of Board and committee members, classification of promoters and controlling shareholders and related party transaction among others.
Public comments are invited on the final recommendations of the Expert Committee. The comments/ suggestions should be submitted latest by July 17, 2024through the following link:
In case of any technical issue in submitting your comment through web based public comments form, one may send the comments through e-mail to consultationcfd@sebi.gov.in with the subject “Consultation Paper on the Recommendations of the Expert Committee for facilitating ease of doing business and harmonization of the provisions of the ICDR and LODR Regulations.”
Board Stewardship encourages are learned readers to participate in this consultation process and make a valuable contribution to the framing of new rules.