IICA and NICF sing MoU for Professional Capacity Enhancement
The Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs (IICA) and the National Institute of Communication Finance (NICF) signed a Memorandum of Understanding for Academic and Research Collaboration to synergise professional capabilities of both institutions.
Both institutions will work jointly on issues pertaining to finance, restructuring, competition law, corporate governance, and other topics. The MoU attempts to combine the experiences of both institutions. They will offer technical support, capacity building, and support for research in numerous fields. By enhancing their expertise and abilities, this relationship will help the Indian Posts and Telecom Accounts and Finance Service (IP&TAFS) officials.
Shri Praveen Kumar, Director General and CEO, IICA, said, “The MoU will offer a more structured approach to collaboration between the two institutions on matters common to their mandate and objectives. Capacity-building programmes and research will equip the Indian Posts and Telecom Accounts and Finance Service (IP&TAFS) officers in up-skilling the professional horizon and the collaboration is a significant step towards strengthening the nation-building.”
The MoU was signed by Prof. Dr. Naveen Sirohi from IICA and Shri A. K. Singh, who is the Deputy Director General of NICF.