Shyamak Tata Appointed as Non-Executive Independent Director of Thermax

The Board of Directors of Thermax has approved the appointment of Shyamak R. Tata as an Additional, Non-Executive Independent Director for a period of 5 years, with effect from October 17, 2023, to October 16, 2028. Subject to the approval of the shareholders of the company.

Shyamak Tata is a fellow member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. He is also a Certified Information Systems Auditor and a Company Secretary. He is currently an Independent Director of Siemens Limited and its subsidiary, C&S Electric Limited, and of HDFC AMC International (IFSC). He was also the Chairperson of Deloitte India and has over 35 years of experience serving large Indian and multinational companies. Prior to this, he was Deloitte India’s Consumer Business Industry Leader, responsible for focusing on opportunities and growth across the multidisciplinary practice. At the beginning of his journey, on completion of his articleship with Kapadia Damania & Co., on qualifying, he joined A. F. Ferguson & Co., where he was managing audit and audit-related engagements of principally listed companies and other multinational corporations. He has been a committee member with the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) on financial reporting and governance. He was the Chairperson of CII’s Financial Reporting Committee for two years, until 2021–22.


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