CS Veena Kamath resigns from Can Fin Homes
Veena G Kamath has resigned from the post of Dy. General Manager & Company Secretary (Key Managerial Personnel) at Can Fin Homes Limited effective September 16, 2023.
Shama Pawar resigns as CS at Onward Technologies Ltd
Shama Pawar has resigned from the post of Company Secretary and Compliance Officer at Onward Technologies Limited with effect from June 15, 2023.
Tonmoy Bera MD of Ludlow Jute resigns
Ludlow Jute & Specialities Ltd announced the resignation of the Managing Director, Tonmoy Bera on Monday 12th June 2023.
OP Bhatt retires from Tata Steel board
O. P. Bhatt ceases to be an Independent Director at Tata Steel Limited, completing his second term effective June 9, 2023.
BLS International Services Ltd ID Ram Prakash Bajpai resigns
Dr. Ram Prakash Bajpai has tendered his resignation as an Independent Director at BLS International Services Ltd, effective from June 9, 2023.
Amit Suthar resigns as CS of Veritas (India) Ltd
Veritas (India) Ltd has announced the resignation of Amit Suthar, Company Secretary and Compliance Office effective June 9, 2023.
Balaji A S resigns as CFO of Stovekraft Ltd
Balaji A S has stepped down from his role as Chief Financial Officer (CFO) at Stovekraft Limited citing personal reasons.
Ashok Kumar Vashisht resigns as CFO of Sharda Cropchem Ltd
Ashok Kumar Vashisht who was Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of Sharda Cropchem Ltd, resigned on 6th June 2023.
Future Consumer Ltd Chairman GN Bajpai resigns
GN Bajpai, the Chairman of Future Consumer Limited, has resigned from his position of Independent Director and Non-executive Chairman, effective from June 2, 2023.
Zohra Chatteri resigns as Independent Director of DishTV
Zohra Chatterji has tendered her resignation as Non-Executive Independent Director of DishTV India Limited, effective from the close of business hours on June 2, 2023.