Tanla Platforms Appoints Francois Ortalo-Magne As Independent Director
Francois Ortalo-Magne has been appointed as an Additional Director under the category of Non-Executive and Independent Director on the Board of Tanla Platforms Limited, effective October 10, 2024.
Kalpana Morparia Retired As Independent Director Of HUL
Kalpana Morparia has completed her second term as Independent Director of Hindustan Unilever Limited (HUL) with effect from October 8, 2024.
Independent Director Brahma Nand Vyas Resigned From Astec Lifesciences
Dr. Brahma Nand Vyas has resigned as an Independent Director of Astec Lifesciences Limited, effective October 4, 2024, citing his advancing age.
Sonia Gupta Completed Her Term As Independent Director Of Brooks Laboratories
Sonia Gupta completed her second and final term of five years as an Independent Director of Brooks Laboratories Limited on September 28, 2024, and consequently ceased to be an Independent Director w.e.f. September 29, 2024.
Aditya Khemka Retired As Independent Director Of Liberty Shoes, He Does Not Seek Reappointment
The first tenure of Aditya Khemka as Independent Director of Liberty Shoes Limited was completed on September 26, 2024, and due to his personal occupation, he has expressed his unwillingness to consider his reappointment as Independent Director for a second term.
Suzlon Energy Warned By NSE And BSE Over SEBI LODR Violations Following Director’s Retirement
Suzlon Energy has received warning letters from the National Stock Exchange (NSE) and the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) for failing to comply with SEBI's Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements (LODR) requirements.
Pratip Chaudhuri Completes His Term As Independent Director Of CESC
Pratip Chaudhuri has completed his second and final term as an Independent Director and consequently ceased to be a board member of CESC Limited w.e.f. September 30, 2024.
Everest Industries’ Independent Director Murali Lal Gupta Has Retired
Murali Lal Gupta, Independent Director, has retired from Everest Industries Limited’s Board with effect from September 30, 2024, due to completion of his second term.
Non-Executive Independent Director And Chairperson Of CSB Bank, Bhama Krishnamurthy Retires
Bhama Krishnamurthy completed her tenure as Non-Executive Chairperson and her second term as Non-Executive Independent Director of CSB Bank Limited on September 28, 2024.
Independent Director of Khadim India, Indra Nath Chatterjee, Retires
Dr. Indra Nath Chatterjee has ceased to be an Independent Director of Khadim India Limited with effect from September 28, 2024, on completion of his second consecutive term of five years each.