General V. N. Sharma Retired As Independent Director of Hawkins Cookers

General V. N. Sharma (Retd.) completed his second term of five years on September 18, 2024, as an Independent Director of Hawkins Cookers Limited.

After serving in the Indian Army for 40 years, General V. N. Sharma retired as Chief of Army Staff. He joined the Board of Hawkins in 1998. He has been honoured with two prestigious awards, the Ati-Vishisht Seva Medal (AVSM) and the Param-Vishisht Seva Medal (PVSM). After retirement, he served as a trustee of the World Memorial Fund for Disaster, and presently he manages a free tuberculosis project in Himachal Pradesh. He is also affiliated with the India International Centre and the Institute of Defence Studies and Analysis.

Additionally, he served on the local Advisory Board of ABN Amro Bank for seven years and was a Director at the Diamond and Gem Development Corporation for five years.


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