CISA Appoints Lisa Einstein As It’s First Ever Chief AI Officer

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has appointed Lisa Einstein as its inaugural Chief Artificial Intelligence Officer, which the agency shared exclusively with Axios. This new senior-level role highlights the critical importance that top U.S. cybersecurity officials place on both the opportunities and threats posed by AI tools.

Lisa Einstein began her role this week within CISA, part of the Department of Homeland Security. Einstein previously served as a senior adviser at the agency, focussing on AI issues. In this capacity, she helped develop CISA’s AI roadmap and facilitated the first-ever AI tabletop exercise between the government and private sector. Additionally, she led a pilot program mandated by President Biden’s AI executive order, testing AI cybersecurity tools for their effectiveness in identifying software vulnerabilities, with results reported to the White House earlier this week.

In her new role, Einstein will establish an office within CISA dedicated to optimising the use of AI software by both the agency and critical infrastructure organisations.


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