Google India’s Shalini Puchalapalli joins Godrej Consumer Board
Godrej Consumer has appointed Google’s top executive Shalini Puchalapalli as an Independent Director, effective November 14, 2023.
Vijay Kumar Goel resigns as Independent Director of Atul Auto
On June 2, 2023, Vijay Kumar Goel resigned as an independent director at Atul Auto Ltd. Having been associated with the company for the past two years, Goel brings extensive experience as a Chartered Accountant with over 30 years in the field.
Kirloskar Electric’s ID Sarosh Jehangir Ghandy resigns
Sarosh Jehangir Ghandy, who served as an Independent Director at Kirloskar Electric Company Ltd for the past two decades, has stepped down from his position, effective from June 2, 2023.
Vinay Bansal resigns from CEAT as Independent Director
Vinay Bansal, the 78-year-old Non-Executive Independent Director of CEAT, has tendered his resignation, effective from June 1, 2023.
Pradeep N Poddar steps down as ID from Uflex Board
Pradeep Narendra Poddar ceases to be an Independent Director at Uflex Board with effect from the close of business hours on 29th May, 2023.
Two Independent Directors, Sanjay Bhatia and Arvind Bali resign from Liberty Shoes
Arvind Bali Kumar and Sanjay Bhatia have resigned from the post of Independent Directors at Liberty Shoes Limited effective May 24, 2023.
Indu Liberhan steps down from Uflex Board
Indu Liberhan, who served as an Independent Director of the Company for a consecutive three-year term starting from May 28, 2020, has concluded her second term, and stepped down as an Independent Director at Uflex Limited, effective from the end of business hours on May 27, 2023.
Dr. Shekhar C. Mande appointed as Independent Director at Tata Steel
Tata Steel Limited announced the appointment of Dr. Shekhar C. Mande as an Additional Director for a term of 5 years, according to an exchange filing made by the company.
Infosys Appoints Helene Auriol Potier as Independent Director
Infosys, a renowned global leader in digital services and consulting, has announced the appointment of Helene Auriol Potier as an Independent Director, effective from May 26, 2023. The appointment is for a three-year term.
Supriya Bhatnagar resigns as ID from Indiabulls Real Estate
Supriya Bhatnagar has stepped down from her role as an Independent Director at Indiabulls Real Estate Limited, as of May 26, 2023.