CEO-Employee Pay Gap Widens in 2023: CEOs Earn 196 Times More Than Average Workers
CEOs are pulling in substantial compensation packages amid the flourishing US stock market.
Record numbers of CEOs quit in 2023
In 2023, a historic turnover unfolded among C-suite executives, with 1,170 CEOs quitting or shifting by the fourth quarter—a notable 51% increase from the previous year.
Company Secretary Pooja Patel Resigns from RDB Rasayans
Pooja M. Patel has resigned from the post of Company Secretary and Compliance Officer of RDB Rasayans Limited with effect from December 31, 2023.
2023: A Difficult year for ‘DEI’
After the social justice movements following George Floyd's death in 2020, there was a surge in diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives in the U.S.
Resignation of Markus Bamberger from the board of Bosch Ltd
Effective August 1, 2023, Markus Bamberger has resigned as the Chairman and Director of Bosch Limited.