Sudarshan Venu appointed Managing Director of TVS Holdings

Sudarshan Venu is appointed as Managing Director of TVS Holdings Limited for 5 years effective September 11, 2023. He is the Managing Director of TVS Motor and son of Venu Srinivasan.  Sudarshan Venu, being an automotive enthusiast, grew up amidst the roar of the engines of India’s oldest factory racing team. Driven by passion, he has motorbiked in 4 continents. These experiences suit Sudarshan Venu well, as he charts the future of one of India’s leading 2-wheeler manufacturers.

He has also played a significant role in expanding TVS Motor Company’s presence in places like Africa, ASEAN, and Latin America. Forbes India, a leading business magazine, recognized his leadership by naming him a GenNext leader of India Inc. He also serves on the boards of Sundaram – Clayton Ltd, the parent company, and TVS Credit Services Limited, which is part of the same group.

He graduated with honours from the Jerome Fisher Program in Management and Technology at the University of Pennsylvania, where he also earned a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from the School of Engineering and a Bachelor of Science in Economics from the Wharton School. He furthered his education with a Master of Science in International Technology Management from the Warwick Manufacturing Group at the University of Warwick in the United Kingdom.

TVS Holdings has also approved the appointment of Timm Tiller, as an Additional Director and Non-Executive Independent Director of the Company, for a term of 5 consecutive years effective September 11, 2023. Timm Tiller, aged 42 years, is the co-founder of The Owners Forum in 2007 which today consists of more than 250 leading family enterprises globally. He holds a degree in Master of Arts in Business Economics from Witten / Herdecke University in Germany in 2008.

In a separate announcement, TVS Holdings has reappointed Sasikala Varadachari as an Independent Director of the Company for a second term of 3 years effective October 24, 2023.


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