Starbucks Sued for Misleading ‘Ethical Sourcing’ Claims

The National Consumers League (NCL), a prominent U.S. consumer advocacy organisation, has initiated legal action against Starbucks, a coffee company, alleging deceptive claims in ethical coffee sourcing. Filed in the Superior Court of the District of Columbia, the lawsuit contends that Starbucks has marketed itself as ethically sourced while neglecting documented labour abuses in its green coffee supply chain.

The complaint also challenges Starbucks’ in-house sustainability certification, C.A.F.E. practices, for failing to prevent child and forced labour. NCL CEO Sally Greenberg asserts that, despite opportunities to address these issues, Starbucks has not updated its ethical sourcing practices. Starbucks responds by expressing its intent to defend against the allegations and reaffirming its commitment to ethical standards. The lawsuit centres on Starbucks’ product marketing, featuring the phrase “committed to 100% ethical sourcing,” with NCL arguing that documented labour abuses contradict this commitment.


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