Vivek Srivastava Appointed Director of Waaree Technologies
Waaree Technologies Limited has announced the appointment of Vivek Srivastava as a Director (Non-Executive) subject to retirement by rotation. Additionally, the company has reappointed Rajender Mohan Malla and have approved the re-appointment of Ruchi Sethi as Independent Directors, both for their second terms of 5 years each, with effect from March 20, 2024, with their current tenures expiring on March 19, 2024.
As CEO of Waaree Energies Limited, he is currently engaged in the India’s foremost Solar manufacturing & services company. The company is striving for leadership in New Energy with global footprint and committed leadership in ESG and sustainability. He is member of several committees and considers the confluence of running and shaping a business with the societal good and India’s energy security as an endearing challenge.
Srivastava is a Global business professional with experience of 3 decades in Energy & Energy Transition with Industry leaders in Petroleum, Mobility, Manufacturing & New Energy and having donned multiple leadership hats in Strategy, Business Development, Marketing, Sales, Operations, Program Management etc., with several “First in India” initiatives.
Rajender Mohan Malla has experience of more than 45 years in Management, Finance, Treasury & Funding, Accounts, IT, HR, training and development.
Ruchi Sethi is a qualified Company Secretary, and has experience in the secretarial side. She has experience of around 4 years in a listed Company.