Streaming music apps On Apple’s store in Europe can link to their own websites

On Friday, Apple revealed initiatives aimed at facilitating music streaming apps within the European Economic Area to disclose alternative methods for users to acquire digital services, aligning with a directive from the European Union.

This development follows shortly after the tech giant was fined 1.84 billion euros ($1.99 billion) by the EU for impeding competition among music streaming players via limitations imposed on its App Store. In March, the European Commission asserted that Apple’s constraints constituted unfair trade practices and demanded an end to such behaviour.

The Commission’s action stemmed from a complaint lodged in 2019 by Swedish streaming platform Spotify, accusing Apple of obstructing the company and others from informing users about payment alternatives outside of the App Store.

Apple’s response on Friday outlined its willingness to enable developers of music streaming apps to prompt users to provide their email addresses, facilitating the transmission of a link to the developer’s website for purchasing digital music content or services. Additionally, users will be informed about alternative purchasing avenues and pricing details.

While Apple hailed this announcement as granting greater flexibility to music streaming services, including Spotify, which dominates 56% of the European market, Spotify refrained from immediate comment.

Apple clarified that the Commission’s ruling does not address its prerogative to levy commissions for the various tools, technologies, and ongoing services it offers.


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