Shishir Desai Appointed as Non-Executive Independent Director of Nuvoco Vistas
Nuvoco Vistas Corporation announced the appointment of Shishir Desai as a Non-Executive Independent Director with effect from 16th August 2023. Also, Berjis Desai resigned from the post of Independent Director. On 17th August 2023.
Shishir Desai has 44 years of experience as a practicing advocate and solicitor in India. He is a member of the Bombay Incorporated Law Society and also of the Law Society, London. Desai has a background in Corporate and Commercial law, Foreign Collaborations, Foreign Exchange Regulations & Control, Private Equity & Joint Ventures, Mergers & Acquisitions, etc. He is a Founder/Partner at Desai Billimoria & Associates and has been previously associated with Crawford Bailey & Co. Mumbai for half a decade. Shishir Desai is a commerce and law graduate from the University of Mumbai. He is also a qualified Company Secretary from the Institute of Company Secretaries of India.