Ramnath P. Sarang Reappointed as Independent Director of Kamat Hotels India
Ramnath P. Sarang has been reappointed as an Independent Director of Kamat Hotels (India) Limited, for a further period of 5 years, with effect from May 27, 2024. Sarang has experience in the hospitality Industry for over 25 years. He is a B.Com Graduate (Hons).
The company has redesignated Sanjeev Rajgarhia from Non-executive Director to Non-Executive Independent Director for a 5-year term with effect from October 1, 2023. Rajgarhia has been in Active Pharmaceuticals Ingredient Supply Business since 1983 having 37 years of experience. He holds a Diploma in Pharmaceutical Business Management, a Diploma in Shipping Management, and a Diploma in Patent Law and Intellectual Property Rights Laws. He is a B.com graduate from Mumbai University.