Ramkrishna Forgings Re-appoints Ranaveer Sinha as Independent Director
The Board of Directors of Ramkrishna Forgings Limited considered and approved the reappointment of Ranaveer Sinha as an Independent Director for a second term of five years, with effect from February 2, 2024. Subject to shareholders’ approval.
Sinha, aged about 70 years, retired as MD of Tata Hitachi Construction Machinery Co. Ltd. Sinha is the Chairman of the CII Eastern Region and the Chairman of the Indian Earthmoving and Construction Equipment Manufacturers Association. He is a member of the Board of Governors, XLRL. He was also the Chairman of Serviplem SA, Comoplesa Lebrero SA, Spain, and North Baryval Special Vehicles (NBSV) in China. He has also been mentoring a number of companies and helping them in their quest for business excellence. He is a B.E. (Mechanical) and a PGDBM from XLRI.