Founder Promoter & Chairman of Nitin Spinners Ratan Lal Nolkha passed away
Nitin Spinners announced the Demise of Founder Promoter & Non-Executive Chairman Ratan Lal Nolkha on Saturday 12th August 2023.
Ratan Lal Nolkha was a visionary leader, strategically driving the Nitin Spinners over the years. Being a first-generation entrepreneur with FCA, FCS & FCMA Qualifications, he has four decades of experience in the textile industry and marketing. His distinguished career includes working at senior-level positions with well-reputed textile groups such as Birla & LNJ group. He served as Vice Chairman of CITI (Confederation of Indian Textiles Industries), Chairman of the Northern India Textiles Research Association, Chairman of the Rajasthan Textile Mills Association and President of Mewar Chamber of Commerce & Industry and Director on the Board of Textiles Skill Council. He was also actively involved with various social and religious organizations and professional forums.