Deutsche Lufthansa’s CFO Remco Steenbergen to step down
As part of the restructuring of Deutsche Lufthansa’s executive board, the company announced the departure of Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Remco Steenbergen from the company. The company also announced on Thursday that Michael Niggemann will temporarily serve as interim Chief Financial Officer, alongside his current responsibilities as a Board member, until a permanent appointment is finalised.
In addition to Remco Steenbergen’s departure, Deutsche Lufthansa announced that three other Executive Board Members, Christina Foerster, Harry Hohmeister, and Detlef Kayser, will also depart. The restructuring will reduce the board’s size from six to five members. Steenbergen will step down on May 7, while Foerster, Hohmeister, and Kayser will leave on June 30. Steenbergen as well as Foerster, responsible for brand and sustainability, will step down by mutual agreement, the company said. The terms of Hohmeister and Kayser will end as scheduled.
Grazia Vittadini has been appointed as the new chief technology officer, with additional responsibility for sustainability, Lufthansa said. Dieter Vranckx, currently Chief Executive of Swiss International Airlines, is appointed to the board with responsibility for global markets and commercial steering hubs. He will be leading the customer experience, and group brand management functions, which are presently part of the brand and sustainability division, will be shifted to global markets and commercial steering hubs, the company said. Both Vittadini and Vranckx will take on their positions on July 1, with a three-year mandate.