Ashok Kumar Chief Vigilance Officer of CONCOR Stepped Down
Ashok Kumar, SAG, IRSS/Railway Board has stepped down from the additional charge of Chief Vigilance Officer of Container Corporation of India Limited with effect from January 15, 2024.
Ashok Kumar is an officer of Indian Railway Stores Service of 1996 batch, mainly worked in the department of Eastern Railway and ICF. Kumar worked as Director in CVC for 5 years from 2013 to 2018 where he dealt with the vigilance management of various departments like CBDT, CBIC, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Social Justice, Ministry of Heavy Industries, Ministry of Road Transport etc. He also acted as Commissioner of Departmental Inquiries (Inquiry officer). He has delivered lectures in National Police Academy, Hyderabad and other training institutions on “Conduct of Departmental Proceedings” and other vigilance related topics on several occasions. He attended a conference on “Anti bribery of foreign officials” in Paris, France in 2015 in which all OECD countries participated and India was invited as a Guest Country. He has undergone training on Anti Corruption in IACA, Viena (Austria) in 2016. His qualifications include B.Tech in Electrical Engineering from IIT BHU and M.Tech in Behavioural Science from IIT Delhi.