Angel One Ltd Appointed N. T. Arunkumar as Non-Executive Independent Director
N. T. Arunkumar has been appointed as a Non-Executive Independent Director of Angel One Ltd on 13th July 2023. ArunKumar has over 30 years of experience across a range of industries from Banking & Financial Services to Technology, Telecom & Consumer products. He has created new business models and global technology centers for organisations like Citibank, PepsiCo, Dun & Bradstreet, UBS (Swiss Bank), and Telstra. His strong customer and market insights have enabled enterprises from across the world to leverage & scale the talent and potential of Digital India. His stewardship added significant, measurable value to shareholders, customers, and employees through the innovative use of emerging technologies. Arunkumar holds a Bachelor of Science in Math & Statistics from Trichy University. He has completed his MBA from XLRI Jamshedpur. Arunkumar has completed the Advanced Senior Leadership Program (UBS), from IMO Switzerland.