Aksharchem (India) Appoints Mehul Naliyadhara as Company Secretary
The Board of Aksharchem (India) Limited has approved the appointment of Mehul C. Naliyadhara as Company Secretary, Compliance Officer and KMP with effect from January 30, 2024. The reappointment of Munjal M. Jaykrishna as Joint Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer for a period of 3 years with effect from March 24, 2024 has been announced by the company and also reappointment of Ashok D. Barot as an Executive Director for a period of 3 years with effect from March 28, 2024. The company also reappointed of Maitri K. Mehta as an Independent Director for a second term 5 years with effect from March 28, 2024. All the reappointments are subject to approval of the shareholders or others.
Mehul Naliyadhara, is an Associate member of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI). Naliyadhara has worked in different domains and with various companies including listed and unlisted companies. He has experience of over 10 years in the field of secretarial and legal matters, listing compliances, corporate governance, CSR and exposure of dealing with various Govt./ Semi Govt. authorities.