Ajay Vohra Appointed as Non-Executive Independent Director Godfrey Phillips India
Godfrey Phillips India Limited shareholders approved in AGM the appointment of Ajay Vohra for the post of as Non-Executive Independent Director, he was appointed with effect from 1st July 2023. Also, Nirmala Bagri is Re-appointed as on-Executive Independent Director with effect from 1st April 2024.
Ajay Vohra is a practicing lawyer for 39 years in the area of domestic and international taxation and is a leading arguing counsel before the Tax Tribunals, High Courts and the Supreme Court. He has argued several cases involving complex issues having wide ramifications, which has contributed immensely to the tax jurisprudence in the country. Prior to being designated as Senior Advocate by the Delhi High Court in September 2014, Vohra was the Managing Partner of Vaish Associates, Advocates, a leading law firm from 2006 to 2014. Also, he is a qualified chartered accountant.